Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol.13-07

New products are being researched here on the Redneck Riviera that will change the way some people are fishing. Everyone has heard of the Boga Grip…kind of wimpy don’t you think…yea so did we…
Well here on the Riviera we have come up with what we are calling the “Redneck Riviera Mongo Grip”

This device slides down your line till it goes over the head of the fish you have caught and gives it a paralyzing claw grab that is similar to the grip of an eagle on steroids. A braided rope attaches from the “RRMG” to your waist so that you will become one with your catch. The fish can then be easily put on the stringer without any worry of it escaping.

Here are some more new products to choose from….

Fish Oil Dispensing System
This fish oil dispensing system comes complete with a refillable quart bottle of Menhaden oil, a hanger for backpack wade fisherman or kayaker, metering valve, and hose. An I.V. style drip bag ideal for dispensing menhaden oil to produce a controlled slick. No more looking for the slicks, you will become one.

3rd Bar Chum Bag
Makes an ideal chum dispenser, durable, washable vinyl construction. Just add your old bait or fish parts. It will strap right to your waist to bring the big ones in really close so you don’t have to wade out to the 3rd bar anymore.

And now for a public service announcement…. There have been reports of coyotes at the beach since spring break. Lots of burgers and fries have brought out the coyotes and something had to be done. I was asked to set snares on the beach to get rid of some of the vermin…the only problem is sometimes they are catching beach goers. If you do get caught in one of the snares just stay calm like this young lady is doing…otherwise you might in up with one heck of a wedge-e.

This is what can happen if you struggle in the snare. This one had to be surgically removed.

There are still lots of Spanish macs so come on down and get yourself a mess of them.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Monday, March 12, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol.10-07

Once again the TP&W found out there was another imbalance in the eco system. Bunches of Spanish Mackerel were found swarming the Packery Jetties. They call me Thursday night and asked if I could help out again. They told me this time I could use a net if I wanted. I called the Greater Redneck Riviera Seine’rs Society or GRRSS for short and would get them to tie up some gillnet. They told me that we were up to their waist in volleyball net because of spring break and could not help out this time either.

I called all the usual folks from down here that help out and everyone had something going on and could not help…. not the problem I have taken on herds of corn eating swine and flocks of both dove and duck so I wasn’t afraid of a few hundred mackerel. Friday I would be out there doing what I could.
One lone drum got in the way and I got him out of there also.
Toothy critters aren’t usually a problem if you are properly prepared….and this time I was. It has been awhile since I did battle with the Spanish bastardo’s and forgot how bad assed a set of teeth they had.
Friday night I got call from Robert and said he could help if I still needed some and I said sure. We got down there and checked the water and boy did it look fine. Blue water was all the way to the beach. Hardly a ripple anywhere.

We picked up where I left off Friday and hammered them again.

Robert got to see what jack fishing is all about also.

I ended up filleting it and we will use it to catch a Mongo Sized Shark or MSS for short later.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol. 9-07

Caution out there yall. The WhoDaMan’s image has been used on products that I have not endorsed. Here is a prime example of a product that claims to be stronger than is possible.

This product did not keep me from catching fish at the river or downtown as you could tell by the last report. It did however cause cattle to stampede and horses to buck uncontrollably. Another thing that my likeness showed up on was inspirational posters.

I agree over the years some folks have noticed and pointed out to me that I did resemble a caveman once or twice in my life. However you can tell it has been years since I was this thin so it cannot be me on this poster. I am proud to announce that Texas A&M Corpus Christi has been working with me on a sunburn relief product. Here is a before and after example of how well the product works. You can see that this person has gotten a really bad sunburn.

After the sunburn relief product has been poured on the burned area relief is instantaneous.

And you can apply it to yourself which makes it nice in case no one is around to help.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem