Monday, September 17, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol. 27-07‏

We arrive on Baffin Bay Friday afternoon in time to catch some fish

And to enjoy a nice sunset.

The next morning we woke up to another Technicolor sunrise that only a few got to witness

Then it was onto installing the pipe to hold the floating cabin in place.

Although as with any project of this scope it was discovered that some engineering needs to be done. The outcome was satisfactory and it held the cabins restraining ropes as anticipated.

We were ready to get onto catching a few more trout.

That night I prepared the side orders to go with some excellent steaks that were cooked.

Not too bad for eating out in the middle of no where USA. While we were there we looked for places to build duck blinds and found out we were not the only ones out there with the same idea.

With some of the locals picking out the best spots of course….well we will take what we can get cuz the hunting is free.

For those that cannot decide whose ideas for running the country is best matched to their own we have included this handy calculator that was developed by Texas A&M here in Corpus Christ.

Feel free to use it and pass it on.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Friday, September 14, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol. 26-07‏

WhoDaMan stayed true to his word and got out there after the cool front passed through yesterday. The high was in the low 90’s so we didn’t have to wear a jacket that is for sure. Personal Protection Equipment or PPE’s for short include large hats this time of year. It was so hot that at 10:30am I called it quits. Something else I decided to do was limit my catches by the size of the ice chest that I will bring to keep the catch in…1/2 day inshore will be limited to 70 quart ice chest in a way of conserving some fish for others. I don’t know what to do about getting any tanner…lots of locals try to speak Spanish to me and I haven’t really mastered it enough to carry on a conversation yet…I have been told it resembles Tarzans English.

In order to establish how successful the trip was here on the Redneck Riviera will be measured in different ways.
44-50 fish = 1-70 quart ice chest = 1-7 gallon bucket of filleted out fish = 12 square feet of fish = 2-1 gallon Ziploc bags of fillets

For the rest of the folks it will be easier to measure a successful trip:
1-3 fish = 1 Playmate ice chest = 1/2 gallon ice cream container filleted out fish = 1 small slimy spot of fish (better to be measured in square inches) = 1 sandwich bag of fillets

After reporting on the kayak carrier last weekend I have found another innovation for aquatic craft and that is to add an umbrella for you to stand under. I have seen some mounted in boats before but not like this…yep that is 3-250 hp outboards.

With all the rain we have had this year there should be lots of hogs and good deer to be shot. I hope to report on hog kills at a later date.

Yes sir things have greened up nicely. I will be heading down to Baffin Bay to help friends relocate a floating cabin so there might be something to report on that next week I hope….

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report Vol. 25-07‏

SonOfDaMan came down to do a little fishing with WhoDaMan. We went out to the wells where we caught fish on Monday and nothing was there. I am thinking that the dolphins that were swarming the boat stayed till they finish off all the trout. I will see about contacting the state about a tag for bagging a dolphin or two a year…I think they would be good on the B-B-Q pit but that is probably just me. Now on with the fishing report…it was one of those no wind days on the Riviera and we almost died reeling in fish cuz it was HOT I am telling you…

That evening we took a ride around looking for a place to catch some fish later and found out a great blue heron had beat us to the spot…

So the next day we decided to go to the Packery and see what was biting there…

There was so much bait in the water that the fish were full and so were the pelicans….there were some strange fish caught this trip

And come to find out they were probably state records…they have been identified as oyster dog fish and I was told that my boat has landed the most oyster dog fish this year…I can see a special report on all the strange stuff WhoDaMan has caught down here coming up. The latest fad on the Riviera is to pick out a swimsuit the same color as your hair…being mostly bald WhoDaMan has decided not to follow that fad.

And here is the latest kayak hauler spotted on the Riviera. I wish I could have got the two flags flying on the pole but it wouldn’t all fit in the picture.

Good thing we have lots of wide open spaces here on the Redneck Riviera.

With a cool front coming in so that I won’t over heat catching fish WhoDaMan will ventures out for a mid week fishing trip…

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report 24-07‏

Stormy weather was the norm on the normally sunny Redneck Riviera. That didn’t keep WhoDaMan from getting out there.
Fishing was good in-between storms coming in off of the gulf.
There were 40+ mph winds, rain and waterspouts not to mention vast schools of trout to be caught.
WhoDaMan was warned that DaLawMan would be out looking for him and only had a vague description of what I looked like….so I changed hats to through them off and made it through a dragnet (pardon the pun) that they had laid for me….everyone was being checked….
One thing we cannot do without here on the Redneck Riviera is Bar-B-Que and football…here is an example of not getting too far from a pit
I met with the coaches of the local schools and it appears we are going to be in the running for another state playoff spot with a good turnout this year againI cannot believe how we have almost 100% support from our male students

And lots of support from the fathers too they said.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem