Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nov 17-18 Fishing on the Redneck Riviera...

Because of the Panhandle work trip I had enough hours to take off Thursday and Friday. Thursday we had a Thanksgiving feed at the office and I spent the rest of the day getting ready for some fishing on Friday and Saturday. A couple of trips back I saw some rattling rigs a guide had on his lines. I decided to make a few for myself.

The combo of weights and beads make a clicking sound that is like a shrimp. Locals use the beads also to decorate their swim suits.

Friday came and Todd had to back out so I went out exploring new spots and revisiting some of the old. I went to Packery cuz they had been catching some good kingfish…but by Friday I didn’t see any bait and caught a small ray.

Returning to the concrete platform I caught a few keepers (3 specs and 3 sand trout) although I landed around 30 trout that were too small. The trout were kind of thin for this time of year.

Saturday morning I got another late start but the wind was calm and water was still warm with a very low tide. There was sand exposed that is usually covered in a couple of feet of water.

I couldn’t believe I didn’t try the clicker rigs and decided to give them a try. Everything wanted to eat the shrimp attached to the rig…sand trout, specs, mangrove snapper and of course drum.

I will have my hours in early this week and will go for a meat run on Wednesday morning and again on Saturday. Looks like I will have to get a bigger bucket.

No I haven’t caught them all yet but we are trying…

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
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The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

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