Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Nov 17-18 Fishing on the Redneck Riviera...

Because of the Panhandle work trip I had enough hours to take off Thursday and Friday. Thursday we had a Thanksgiving feed at the office and I spent the rest of the day getting ready for some fishing on Friday and Saturday. A couple of trips back I saw some rattling rigs a guide had on his lines. I decided to make a few for myself.

The combo of weights and beads make a clicking sound that is like a shrimp. Locals use the beads also to decorate their swim suits.

Friday came and Todd had to back out so I went out exploring new spots and revisiting some of the old. I went to Packery cuz they had been catching some good kingfish…but by Friday I didn’t see any bait and caught a small ray.

Returning to the concrete platform I caught a few keepers (3 specs and 3 sand trout) although I landed around 30 trout that were too small. The trout were kind of thin for this time of year.

Saturday morning I got another late start but the wind was calm and water was still warm with a very low tide. There was sand exposed that is usually covered in a couple of feet of water.

I couldn’t believe I didn’t try the clicker rigs and decided to give them a try. Everything wanted to eat the shrimp attached to the rig…sand trout, specs, mangrove snapper and of course drum.

I will have my hours in early this week and will go for a meat run on Wednesday morning and again on Saturday. Looks like I will have to get a bigger bucket.

No I haven’t caught them all yet but we are trying…

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Monday, November 20, 2006

Redneck Riviera Reporter on the road...

Last week I was going through some pump stations in New Mexico and the panhandle of Texas and thought I would give a Redneck Riviera Roaming Report or RRRR for short. Here is the report as it happened.

Make sure that your ventilation on the car or truck you are driving can recycle the air inside cuz most of the panhandle smells like cow dukie..This lot was over a mile long.

I would advise any of the readers to drive on past Clovis, NM or at least get a room on the far side of town…they may be underestimating the number of trains that come through in a 24 hour period…
I learned that if you don’t finish you job someone will notice…

On this trip I also learned you can be raised a with a bunch of Turkeys and still become a King…

It doesn’t really matter how good a planner you are something always comes up….

Most folks don’t know how old Earth is…glad I found out…

Texas has it’s own Statue of Liberty….this one was carved out of a tree with a chain saw.

Yep there is still drive in theaters and patriotic folks run them too…

The Big Texas has a big bear and a little lady greeting you….

It was cold up in the panhandle and the wind was really strong…by the time I made it back to the Redneck Riviera the water temperature dropped into the low 70’s and the gals had to huddle up to stay warm….

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Monday, October 30, 2006

Redneck Riviera Cold Front Report

Wednesday there were plenty of specs being caught even thought they weren't that big...then we had one heck of a blow cold front come through Friday. Wind got up to 40 mph right out of the north. Todd and I decided to go fishing just to prove that you can catch fish down here regardless of the conditions. Todd caught a keeper red and spec. I caught the most drum and my reds and specs were on the small size and because we were in Todd's boat he makes the rules about how many rods you can bring, how small of a fish you can keep....bla bla bla. Speaking of Todd's boat....where we launched the boat is at the end of a canal that is not really a boat ramp. Todd learned a lesson that he should tie his boat up once he beaches it...cuz it floated off. He has now learned to tie the boat off. I went to the beach Sunday afternoon to find the wind switched around. There were a group of guys that sent their women out to cast net bait. When they saw me catch my own they told me to move down the beach if I didn't have a woman to catch bait for me...cuz that is the way it is on the Redneck Riviera women catch bait while guys drink beer, eat BBQ and reel in the fish...I said I wasn't from around here and I didn't know the rules. Then I got this group of gals to wade out and herd the mullet towards me...my fellow fishermen told me that that was acceptable. After missing a couple of oversized reds...I called it quits and went home with an ice chest full of bait...it was fun catching bait too.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem

Monday, September 25, 2006

Redneck Riviera Dove Hunt

We took a break from the fishing to go on a Redneck Riviera style dove hunt. I had never been on one before because I am not from around here. I was told that I needed a retriever cuz everyone else had them. I checked out ads in the paper and finally found out that there was only 2 left (a male and a female) so I rented the female. It was a first class setup with BBQ'rs and Bud Beer Servers (made me feel kind of special that they picked Budweiser). I found out that there were 4 guys from Louisiana there and they challenged me to a shoot off. They had 49 that morning and I only had 42 but I shot the same number of shells as just 1 of them. That afternoon they had 18 and I finished early with 37 (they didn't want theirs photo'd that evening). They kept complaining that it was too hot for their dogs to smell the downed birds. I complain that the top kept coming off my bitch and I would have to take time to tie it back up and missed out on quite a few birds. We did what we could to protect the crops for another year. Next weekend is the Katy Rice Festival so I won't be hunting or fishing until after that...well this is your almost live from the Redneck Riviera in digital resized color reporter signing off.

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
Become a Member Of:
The White Shrimper Boot Club
The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem