Thursday, June 14, 2007

Redneck Riviera Report vol. 18-07

First I want to thank everyone that was praying for Monica…she has just about fully recovered and is ready to celebrate our 29th anniversary in a couple of weeks. Now for the Redneck Rivera Update…not everyone can go fish when I can so there have been some solo trips this year…I found that this could be the year of the snapper with mangroves leading on the fillet table.

The size is bigger and the numbers are really up thanks to another mild winter on the Riviera.

I did make a run with another transplanted Rivieraite to get some red snapper…

They all said, “Awe shoot” for the picture. Now for the new product showcase… lightweight hip waders will be in use here on the Riviera throughout the summer and right into duck season. With an abundance of jellyfish and or cooler water this fall these ultra-lightweight hip waders are already a hit with some folks

With all the sun we have been seeing down here don’t forget you head gear when you come down here fishing either…. straw hats are a favorite of mine too.

Save the sea grass shoot a duck...

That is all we know at this time.... this is your "WhoDaMan" reporter on the Redneck Riviera bringing you another almost live...with an auto balanced and resized digital color report.
Hawaiian shirts are everyday attire on the Redneck Riviera.
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The Redneck Riviera a drinking community with a serious fishing problem